Sunday, October 26, 2008

Naruto and Card Captor Sakura

Manga by mangalover06
Thanks to Zgirl I'm now watching Card Captor Sakura again. To day a wonderful thing happened, I got a naruto hidden in the mist headband. It's awsome but it doesn't fit me perfectly. It's to big for my forehead lol. Come blog with me and I'll see if I can make you lol.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Numb3rs and sailor moon

Manga by mangalover06
Soon I'm going to be re watching all the episodes of sailor moon. I realy liked watching it when I was younger. And if your into law shows did you see the new episode of numb3rs? I can't beleive Charle got his FBI clearence back, but his brother dosen't seem as happy about it because they were voted not to get Charle's clearence back but he got it back anyways. By the way do you think sailor moon can be an idiot some time or even most of the time? But I think she's like that for everyones amusment.

Friday, October 24, 2008

magical girl lyrical nanoha and CSI

Manga by mangalover06

Over the last week I have re seen all the episodes and seasons of the show Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. I watched all the episodes on youtube. Seeing the show all over again reminded me of how much I liked that show. My favorite charecter from the show is Fate. To me she is awsome! If you want to share any shows you watch please blog to me about them or about the books you read. And I don't just watch anime I also watch shows like CSI. If you like law shows like CSI too blog with me about them. CSI is a realy good show so we one of it's mane charecters was killed off the show it just broke my heart. But realy, why did they have to kill off the black guy of all people. I'm just wondering.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Manga by mangalover06
You now know I like fruits basket but I also like Ranma 1/2.
I also read all the ranma 1/2 books except the last one but the reason I could'nt get a hold of the last one was becouse the library thought they had it but ended up having the third to last book and second to last book in english and spanish. Now I'm on the top of the waiting list to check the book out of the library as soon as they get it. I think that's pretty cool.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Loving anime and manga

Manga by mangalover06
I love anime and manga and I hope you do too. Fruits Basket has left us a huge cliffhanger at the end of book 20 and if your like me and can't get a hold of book 21 you know what I mean when I say this just sucks not knowing what will happen. I'm open to coments on other manga and anime shows if you want to blog about it.